Angel of Financial Freedom-Vevaliah



It derives from oppression and bondage. Helps weak, enslaved and oppressed. Destroys enemies, frees you from slavery or imprisonment if you suffer from fighting for freedom.

It gives strength in moments of doubt and refraction. It releases from anxiety, restlessness and a sense of danger. It protects against depression, apathy and a sense of powerlessness.

Asked to increase the prospering of businesses. It brings wealth, happiness, prosperity and joy.

It liberates from the lower aspects of our personality. It makes the person sociable, happy and active. It gives the characteristics that attract the right people to us.

It provides success in work and absolute happiness in love.

It brings radical transformations, internal and external.

It develops humility, the ability to live in harmony with each other, goodness and empathy. It helps in good professional relationships.

It brings enthusiasm and joy to life.

It gives all the tools and circumstances to forge a happy fate on every plane of life.


Vevaliah-God the King and host known as Veuliah-the dominant God

Chorus: Virtues

Date: 24 -28 October

The name of God: Shem ha Meforasz; JHVH Eloah va Daat; El;

Archangel: Michael

Planet: Sun and Jupiter-formation of the Sun, Angel of Jupiter

Colors: Gold/yellow and blue-blue in the middle

Key phrase: radiate joy and confidence

Teaches that: Love is beautifully

Keyword key: strength

Attributes: Golden diadem with sapphires, a basket of grapes or corn, a horn of abundance, a lake, or a clean pane of water.

Gems: Yellow diamond, yellow topaz, amber, sun stone, lapis lazuli, turquoise, very bright sapphire (blue in the middle)

Birth Angels-VEVALIAH


Isabella Gruchalska

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